Chiropractic for Scoliosis
Chiropractic for Scoliosis: Neuro-Skeletal Scoliosis

Chiropractic for Scoliosis care is an integral part of a comprehensive approach to managing scoliosis. Current research has identified neurological triggers that can accelerate the progressive deformity of bone associated with scoliosis. Both internal and external disturbances like postural subluxations, neuro-hormonal and autonomic nervous systems dysfunction are treatable causes of scoliosis progression. Chiropractic procedures may be appropriate to restore functional integrity to neuro-skeletal systems.
Functional Testing

Vestibular Testing for Scoliosis
Posture is important to both the growing spine, and the adult spine with scoliosis. Not only do asymmetrical forces accelerate the bone imbalance associated with scoliosis, but it also is a consequence of many body systems coordinating together. Imbalances in posture may be a result of poor neuro-skeletal biology. Re-calibration of the oculomotor (eye movement) and vestibular (inner ear balance center) systems is an integral part of balancing the body. Using advanced balance testing technology (VNG and Posturography), we are able to assess brainstem and cerebellar (hindbrain) function through reflexes of balance and stability, as well as through motor control and eye movement analysis. Directed therapeutic interventions can restore function to these systems resulting in improvement of posture and movement.
Gait Analysis

Dynamic Gait Analysis for Scoliosis
Balancing the feet and improving function of the arch is another important step to balancing the body. We custom fit orthotics based on an examination that assesses static and dynamic function of the foot during walking, and use cast molding technology to provide the best fitting orthotic possible. In special cases with leg length discrepancies, full foot lifts are used instead of common heel lifts, and no lifts are prescribed without proper evaluation of the effects on the spine.
Services available vary depending upon location and provider. Not all services are available in all Locations. Providers are independent contractors and are not employees of Scoliosis Systems O & P LLC